Make a financial contribution to help SOAR meet the emergency financial needs of our refugee clients with temporary housing, food and support as they learn a new language, develop job skills and search for employment. To give, please fill out the donation form below.

If you or your faith community is interested in sponsoring a refugee family as they establish a new home in Oregon, you can do so with a $6,500 contribution to our Refugee Rapid Response Fund. This would provide 3-4 months of rent, 12 months of groceries and basic household items.

With a gift of $150, you can help a family furnish their ENTIRE home! How is this possible? We schedule appointments at Community Warehouse, where families can select any furniture they need during their appointment. To give, use the form below; include in the comments field, “Community Warehouse Appointment.”

SOAR also welcomes donations of household items, including new linens, household items, new clothing, toiletries and disposable diapers. Individuals and faith communities can also help families rebuild their lives by putting together Refugee Care Collective Restart Kits.
Donation Form
Note: The Internal Revenue Service recognizes Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon as a tax-deductible, 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. Our tax identification number is 93-0625-359.
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon has a Gold Transparency rating with GuideStar/Candid, an information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies.