Sponsors Organized to Assist Refugees

Since the 1970s, the generosity of congregations, community groups and individuals has enabled Sponsors Organized to Assist Refugees (SOAR) to welcome and assist our new neighbors as they arrive in Oregon.

A program of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, SOAR resettles hundreds of refugees a year in Oregon. We link sponsors—congregations, friends or community organizations—with refugees before they arrive in the United States, and help sponsors welcome and assist the refugees in their adjustment to a new life in our community. Refugees are welcomed, given temporary homes with household items and food, and offered assistance as they learn a new language, develop job skills and search for employment.

Who are these neighbors? They are families from Africa, Southeast Asia, the former Soviet Union, Cuba/Haiti, Latin America and the Middle East. Many come here fleeing persecution and countries torn by war. Often they arrive with no more than the clothes they are wearing.

SOAR is an affiliate of Church World Service.

sofia's story

“Sofia,” a single mother, arrived from Ukraine with her young daughter. SOAR staff connected the family with volunteers, helping them with transportation to their initial appointments with service providers and to a medical screening. Volunteers also delivered donations to furnish their permanent home. A few weeks after their arrival, Sofia’s daughter celebrated her fifth birthday. Volunteers provided gifts and balloons to make the day memorable.

Sofia, who has a degree in civil engineering and a basic level of English, found an entry-level job within 90 days of arrival, and she bought a car. With the assistance of SOAR staff, volunteers and her own effort, she reached her goal to become self-sufficient within a short period of time.

ahmad's story

A family of five arrived in Portland from Afghanistan. Prior to departing their home country, the father, “Ahmad,” was shot in the leg by the Taliban. He arrived in Portland with an infected wound that required immediate medical assistance. His SOAR case manager took him to the hospital to have surgery.

The case manager helped the family find permanent housing, register for benefits and shop for food while Ahmad was recovering from his injury. Now he is employed and providing full support for his family.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) meets the immediate needs of communities in the greater Portland area through our six direct service programs, while seeking long-term solutions through state-wide public policy and advocacy work.

Our direct service programs support refugees and immigrants, people experiencing food insecurity, low-income individuals living with HIV, unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness, and survivors of domestic violence.

Our Public Policy Advocacy team provides pathways for EMO clients, community members and Oregonians of faith to bring about change in the U.S. Congress, at the Oregon State Capitol and in local government.


Our Mission

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) brings together diverse communities of faith to learn, serve and advocate for justice, peace and the integrity of creation.